Is persistent cough giving you sleepless nights? Are you having flu-like systems? Maybe it is time to get yourself checked for Tuberculosis! Yes, this can be a tough pill to swallow, but Tuberculosis is a possibility that cannot be denied.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly infectious disease, but sadly also very common. From being known as one of the oldest diseases known to mankind, it continues to spread its terror even today. Globally, more than 1 in 3 is infected with TB. It claims around 1.5 million lives every year.1 It mainly affects the lungs. Although it may affect other body organs like kidneys, brain or spine. It can be in an active or latent form. Once infected, the disease spreads very slowly and it may take up to several weeks for any symptoms to show.
Causes of Tuberculosis:
Tuberculosis is caused by the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacteria. These bacteria can spread from one person to another by air. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, the microscopic droplets are released in the air and if a healthy person breathes these droplets, they are likely to catch it. Although it is a contagious disease, it is not very simple to catch it. You need to be a close contact of the infected person. Like a co-worker, family member, or living with a TB patient. There are types of Tuberculosis. Mainly latent TB and Active TB.
Latent TB: The TB-causing bacteria are present in your body, but you do not show any symptoms, as they are inactive. This latent TB can turn into active TB and so it is crucial to treat it.
Active TB: When the TB-causing bacteria infect and make you sick. This can also spread very easily from one person to another.
Tuberculosis Symptoms and Signs:
Below are a few signs and symptoms of Tuberculosis.
- Coughing a lot, especially over a long period of time (more than three weeks)
- Coughing is accompanied by coughing out mucous and blood.
- Chest pain while coughing
- Difficulty breathing
- Sudden weight loss
- A feeling of fatigue or tiredness
- Night sweats and chills
- Loss of appetite
Anyone can get TB, irrespective of gender, age or socioeconomic background. There are some people are at risk of Tuberculosis. Some of the risk factors could include:
- Weakened immune system
- Diabetes
- Malnutrition
- Certain kidney diseases
- Certain types of cancer
- Using tobacco
- Living in countries where TB rates are high like Latin America, Russia, Africa, and Asia.
- Living with a patient with TB or working in the healthcare sector
If you have any of the symptoms coupled with risk factors, it is best to consult a doctor. Based on the signs, the doctor will suggest Tuberculosis tests. It is best to receive treatment as soon as possible. Delaying the treatment may give rise to other health complications in the body.
The doctor will conduct the following to check for TB
- A physical examination to check for lymph nodes and swelling.
- Skin test: a simple injection is given and the skin’s reaction is tested.
- A chest X-ray to see the condition of the lungs
- Sputum testing: a microscopic test to check the sputum in the cough, to understand the intensity of the infection
- Blood tests, to confirm the spread of Tuberculosis. The tests also help to know the type of TB
The treatment consists of anti-TB drugs and antibiotics. The treatment can take very long and may last for about 8-9 months.
Prevention and protection from Tuberculosis:
The best way to prevent Tuberculosis is vaccination. Vaccines lower the chance of contracting Tuberculosis. The Tuberculosis vaccine is one of the most used and administered vaccines.
A person with Tuberculosis should be given adequate care and love along with medicines. The caretakers should take proper precautions and wear protective gear while looking after the patient.
Living in the modern era, one must use every tool available today. A preventive health check-up is mandatory to rule out any possibility of Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis takes nearly a year to recover completely and hence it should be treated as soon as the infection sets in. A comprehensive health check-up will tell the doctor the intensity of the infection. That would help in starting the course of medicine. We at Indus have several high-quality and affordable health packages to suit your need. Our team will be happy to assist you and customize a package for you. Talk to us and book your appointment to good health today!